These days it is likely that most of the work that you do will involve access with the web in some way. Even if your job does not seem to have anything to do with the web there is still a good chance that you are going to have to deal with it in some manner or other. And if you are in control of the server that your business uses to get the people’s data who work there online then you have a lot more to think about than simply getting that data onto the web – you also have to worry about making sure that the data and the people who work there are safe when accessing it too.

Let’s take, for example, people who blog for popular websites. Whilst such people may know how to write a good article there is a fair chance that they are not very technical in nature. So, to put that article on the website they are going to need what is known as a CMS. (The letters CMS stand for Content Management System and a good example would be WordPress). It allows people to be able to post up data with no problems at all. But when something is this easy you also have to worry about the security of the system too. You cannot just let people have any access that they want when they are posting their data. This is especially true if they do not know what they are doing! So you have to make sure that you utilise different account levels when you are giving people posting permission.

You don’t just have to worry about people being able to get into your system through the data that is posted though – you also have to worry about data getting out. In other words, with some people, you may only allow them to post data such as text and maybe a few images. If they try to post any other type of files then they are rejected. More trusted or technically-minded people, however, may be given a higher level of permission which could allow them to upload files such as MP3’s and other media files. Even so, you probably would not want them to be able to post files such as executables though. An executable is actually a program itself and there is no telling what it would be able to do without checking it first. There are also many other different types of files out there that you want to avoid uploading to a public website unless you are absolutely sure that it is safe.

You may also want to closely monitor the person who is controlling the whole operation too – they need to be able to post whatever they want – but if they are not technically astute then you may want to place some limitations on what they can and cannot do too. Just because they have a higher level of responsibility within the company it does not necessarily mean that they will be able to determine what is safe to post on the company website .

Overall, if you are the person who is in charge of the technical matters at your job, then you need to be the one to step up and clearly tell fellow employees what they can and cannot post. And the less technical the people at your job are the more they are going to need your guidance. This will likely become increasingly evident  as more and more content is uploaded.

About the Author: admin

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